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Decorate with Type

Decorate with Type

An encyclopedia of decorative and novelty fonts

by Harry Pears

About the book

     This is the first new specimen book of type that we've seen in a long time. It's particularly timely in that the proliferation of new digital type has left many, especially those new to the field, overwhelmed with the number of choices. Mr. Pears has done an admirable job of organizing this confusion and producing a volume which will be used again and again by the practitioner in search of the perfect font for the job. Decorate with Type - ToC

      When you're looking for just the right typeface it's an incredible time saver to have all your best choices lined up nicely so that you can compare and contrast. This is exactly what Harry Pears does for decorative and novelty fonts in this new book.
     There are more than 1,290 complete alphabetic font specimens, divided into 27 major categories with each category having several subcategories. These are all neatly laid out in the table of contents at the front of the book for easy access. To make things even more convenient, there is an index of font names at the back of the book. Thus the book can be used as a reference in two ways, 1) by looking for the category/subcategory of font in which you are interested, and 2) by looking up the name of a font and going to its page, where you will find it surrounded by similar fonts. 

About the AuthorPage 235

           Mr. Pears is a veteran of the type world. He started his career as a colour camera operator, but quickly moved on to phototypesetting. With the advent of digital typography he set up shop marketing these new fonts in Australia. Since then he has produced a few fonts of his own, and eventually this book, which introduces a new system for categorizing decorative type.



Vital Statistics

Decorate with Type, by Harry Pears

244 pages, semi-hardbound 

ISBN 9780646475622

950gm, H210xL277xT16mm

List price  - A$60

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Decorate with Type, by Harry Pears - shipped to North America - US$81.00

Decorate with Type, by Harry Pears - shipped to Europe or South America - US$87.49

Decorate with Type, by Harry Pears - shipped to Asia - US$77.00

Decorate with Type, by Harry Pears - shipped to New Zealand - US$71.49

Decorate with Type, by Harry Pears - shipped within Australia - US$67.00

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