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FontLab Affiliates


General information

If you haven't already done so, please look over the short description of how the program works. That overview will help to clarify many of the answers on this page.

How do I fit the Fontlab Affiliate Program into my website?

No matter how you integrate it into your website, we give you complete control.

You can have one of our banners on your site as the link to Fontlab OR you can just have a text link to us directly from your main page, your "other links" page, or wherever you deem appropriate at your site. We recommend that you link to us on your main page because of the exposure. For Example; you could have us listed in your main menu (if applicable). You may say something like "FontLab ? the professional font editor". We recommend the main page because it has the highest exposure to your visitors, and of course, the more people that link to the FontLab Page, the more people that buy, and the more money you make. This will be explained in more detail when you receive your Welcome Package after signing up and being approved. See the Affiliate Links page for details on how to construct a link.

You may want to tell your visitors why they should buy Fontlab products. Although most people think this would be very effective, it can be; but only when your recommendation is incorporated into a webpage. This may be confusing so let me explain.

If, from the main page, you have a link that tells your visitors how great FontLab Studio is and offer a link to Fontlab for them to check it out, they know they will be "sold" something and may not want to venture into the webpage any further. However, if you have a banner or text link that says "FontLab ? tools for editing, designing, and converting fonts" and get them reading a page which introduces them to what they can do... and then have your recommendation; sales increase dramatically.

Here are a couple of other pointers for listing Fontlab at your website.

Topically-oriented websites

Most websites, especially those that focus on a particular subject area, will want to set up a link from their main page used specifically to link to Fontlab. In other words, with your selections on your main page (main menu), you would have Fontlab as an option. It would look like FontLab is part of your website, but it is really going to our server.

Magazine-styled sites

Sites featuring articles, reviews and interviews may want to use a different approach. Interviews with or stories about the authors and reviews of Fontlab products. Linking the product's title in context is a simple way to make it available for sale; you could also insert a phrase like "(more information about this product)" or "(order this product)" next to the title, and link from there instead.

For this kind of website, a "suggested reading" list might also be a good idea. For example, suppose that you include an article discussing the design of fonts. You might include a "suggested utilities" at the end of the article, including the link to Fontlab.

How will my visitors order?

Simply stated, you link to the Fontlab website. In turn, we'll run your electronic store for you by recording, processing and fulfilling your customer orders.

Your visitors will visit your website and link to the Fontlab webpage you present to them.

They order Fontlab products by using our online ordering process, our 800 #, or mail in their order.

Their order will be processed and dealt with through our fulfillment process, all other customer service will be dealt with through Fontlab.

In more detail

First, your customer will browse your website and find the description of Fontlab products that you have included in your pages. If your description catches their interest and they wish to find out more, they would follow the link you provide to Fontlab.

We will then display the product's sales page, where the customer can order directly online, throught our 800#, or by mailing in a check.

Once the customer begins to finalize an order, the Fontlab ordering system takes over ? running on our server. From this point forward, they'll get complete customer service directly from Fontlab.

We will email each customer their fulfillment instructions, we will handle all of the financial transactions and our customer service department will answer any questions or requests they have about their orders, including cancellations or returns as necessary.

Will Fontlab supply me with descriptions, reviews or pictures?

Yes. Reviews etc. are available. However, we do recommend that you try linking to us by direct text links or banner links before you introduce product reviews or interviews with the authors at your website. Our research show this works better initially. We will also provide you images that showcase Fontlab products to your customers.

Can we take the order on our website instead, and just send you the customer information afterward?

No. Our interactive ordering process provides critical information to the customer as well as to us; something we can't duplicate with orders taken outside our website. We offer only the interface described above, in order to provide the best possible service to your visitors. We also offer a secure website which is essential to collecting online orders. We are solely responsible for developing and presenting our product descriptions and stats, therefore we can update the site as necessary with new additions, new order processing options, price changes, etc. Fontlab can not be responsible for any errors in your descriptions of these products by you not updating your pages as often as we do.

How do you calculate referral fees?

Referral fees are earned on each sale:

Every order placed through your sponsoring website with the Fontlab online order system (or mail-in order) will be eligible for a 9% referral fee.

Every order placed through your sponsoring website with the Fontlab 800 phone/fax line will be eligible for a 9% referral fee.

Fontlab products will be sold by Fontlab to your visitors at the same price offered in the Fontlab main webpage. Any discount being offered to our customers will also apply to customers who follow special links from your sponsoring website.

See the complete text of the operating agreement for details.

How will I know how many of each product were sold by Fontlab?

Once you join, we give you a special URL where you can view how many people have visited our site from yours, and how many copies of Fontlab products were sold on a daily basis (including the customer's name and date of purchase). You will receive an email copy of each order moments after it is placed (for your records), and you will receive your referral fee check or PayPal payment on a monthly basis (we send payments 7 business days after the 1st of each month).

What kind of income can I expect?

Our average site receives a monthly referral payment that ranges between $20-$100. We have websites that earn as low as $10 a month and as high as $400+ a month, it all depends on the type of people that visit your site, how many visitors you receive monthly, and how much exposure you give your Fontlab links.

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